Shed Floor
3d Model
Youtube - How to draw the floor
Making Skids - 4x8
Chop a board to correct length
Plane to correct thickness
Rip to correct width on band saw
Share extras with buddies. (You only need 2)
Draw correct angle on skids
Cut on on band saw
Making Floor Joists - 2x6
Chop at 12"
Joint Edge
Duffey Resaw @ 7/16"
Plane to correct Thickness
Chop to length for Floor Joists
Save extra piece for Floor Blocking
Rip to width on Band Saw
Making Floor Blocking - 2x6
Two Blocks are smaller than the other, we will cut on the bandsaw later when we are ready to assemble.
Cut leftover from floor Joist to the correct length using another board to hold so that your hand is away from the blade.
Rip to the correct width on Band Saw using push stick
They will fall through but just let the blade come to a stop and pick them up afterwards clean the floor beforehand so you can find them.
Floor Assembly
Put some glue on a scrap piece of wood
Tap the stick into the blue and go to a dry spot and continue tapping to remove excess.
Do the Skids First and put glue on the top edge, you only want a thin layer of glue.
Place upside down on the drawing.
Remove excess glue with a small stick
Put the first floor joist on, first blocking, then the second floor joist.
Sand blocking down if too big make sure the joist line up
Continue until you have built your floor
Cut out using a utility knife.